Keeping the Personal in Personal Injury Law

Can an Insurance Company Deny a Valid Accident Claim?


When you suffer an injury after a serious auto accident, you go through the claims process to recover compensation from the negligent party. This means going through their insurance company and seeking damages for any losses you may have experienced due to their policyholder’s actions.

Unfortunately, this isn’t always the easiest situation to encounter and there are numerous obstacles you can run into along the way. One of the most frustrating things they may do is denying a claim despite you having the necessary evidence and documents to prove you rightfully deserve compensation.

Why Would an Insurance Company Deny a Valid Claim?

Insurance companies are looking out for their own profits. As such, when you file a claim—valid or not—the insurance company is determined to keep as much as possible and pay you a smaller amount of compensation than you deserve.

If they can try and deny the claim outright, they will. Unfortunately, this also means trying to take advantage of your rights and finding ways to make it appear as though you were at fault for the accident. At the end of the day, they deny claims for their own benefit.

What Rights Do I Have If My Claim Is Wrongfully Denied?

In a case when you may have your claim wrongfully denied, you can go through an appeal process, or you can move forward with filing a lawsuit. The most effective way to do this is to hire a car accident attorney who can help you navigate the process.

Filing a lawsuit for insurance bad faith is something that can be done if the insurance company either wrongfully denies a claim, delays the process or compensation, delays the payments of compensation, and more.

With Shapiro Law Firm, P.A., you can determine what rights you have to hold the negligent party accountable for their actions. We work with you to see to it that your rights are heard and pursue the compensation you are rightfully owed after an injury-causing accident.

Call our Tallahassee car accident attorneys today at (850) 629-7226.