Keeping the Personal in Personal Injury Law

Florida Car Accident Statistics


Car Accident Statistics in Florida

Being involved in a car accident is never a favorable experience. Dealing with the aftermath can cause even more head and heartache. Read on to learn about recent Florida car accident statistics.

2019 Florida Car Accident Statistics

According to Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV), during the year 2019, there were a total of 198,313 car accidents in the state of Florida. Of those accidents, a total of 1,643 resulted in fatalities.

Perhaps even more alarming, out of 198,313 car accidents, there were 126,249 recorded injuries as a result. That means that in 2019, about 64% of Florida car accidents resulted in injuries.

During the same year, Floridians experienced 51,989 total hit and run crashes, and of those, 108 people lost their lives as a result. However, there were far more hit-and-run injuries than fatalities, totaling 11,012.

2018 Florida Car Accident Statistics

When comparing the 2019 data above to the 2018 data, you will notice some major differences on all accounts. In 2018, there were a total of 402,592 car accidents in the state of Florida. Similarly, there were 3,174 total fatalities that year as a result of car accidents. In addition, out of 402,592 total crashes, 254,873 of them resulted in injuries.

When it comes to hit and run crashes, Floridians experienced a total of 102,756 of these types of accidents. Of those hit-and-run accidents, 215 people lost their lives and 21,511 people were injured as a result.

While it is unclear why Florida experienced significantly more car accidents in 2018 than in 2019, it’s a good thing that these numbers are decreasing over time. With Florida’s high population, it’s no surprise that the state experiences many more car accidents resulting in injuries and fatalities than many other states.

How to Drive Defensively to Avoid Accidents

In order to avoid getting into car accidents and becoming another statistic, it’s always a good idea to utilize defensive driving practices. These techniques reduce your risk of being involved in accidents on the road.

Use the following defensive driving tips to avoid becoming another statistic:

Be Alert

When you are alert while driving, you are much less likely to be caught off guard by an unexpected occurrence. When you’re paying attention to the road, you’ll have the fastest and most reliable reaction times possible.

Be Focused

When you’re focused on the road, you have much better chances of being able to slow down or move out of the way of unexpected hazards.

Expect The Unexpected

No one is perfect, and people make mistakes constantly. Driving is no different. People make errors and unexpected maneuvers every day that have the ability to cause accidents. Be prepared for anything on the road.

Leave Plenty of Distance

When there is another driver ahead of you, it’s a good idea to leave lots of space between your car and the one in front of you. A good general rule here is to leave one car length’s distance for every 10 miles per hour (mph) of speed you’re traveling.

For instance, if you’re driving at a rate of 60 mph, you should leave 6 car lengths between your vehicle and the one ahead of you.

Don’t Speed

Speeding is the leading cause of fatal accidents in the United States, so it’s a good idea to follow posted speed limits. Additionally, you should slow down in unfavorable weather conditions.

At times, the posted speed limits are too high for the driving conditions and you must reduce your speed to accommodate the road circumstances.

How Our Injury Firm Can Help

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, Paul A. Shapiro at Shapiro Law Firm, P.A. is here to help. Our team is highly experienced in personal injury law and has helped many other people, just like you. Don’t hesitate to contact our firm with your case right away. After all, it’s your health on the line.

Have you been in a car accident in Florida? Call Shapiro Law Firm, P.A. today at (850) 629-7226 for a free consultation.